Stationery Love - Journaling in 2022

 Hi everyone! I cannot believe that my last post was in 2016 (!) and it is now all of 2022!

The struggle has been too real I'll tell you. Sadly, I allowed life in general to knock me off the creative planner bandwagon...that is, until now. 

Due to the vagaries of "Ms. Rona" since 2020, I think many people had their routines derailed, and planning became somewhat different than it had been before. For me, I started tending towards creative journaling more than planning. Honestly I think that was always the style that appealed to me most. So now instead of keeping a daily planner, I'm more into freestyle journaling, using words, pictures, stickers, and whatever I can find to do creative, expressive layouts. I love decorating with different pens and markers - whatever helps me to express my mood. My favourite thing to keep are lists and trackers of all kinds. For instance, some of the ones I've enjoyed including in my journal are:

  • Water trackers - pretty standard to most journals
  • Exercise trackers - which I need to do more of, *sigh*
  • Books read trackers
  • Book reviews trackers
  • Mood trackers
  • New words / word lists
  • Brain dump - where I pour new ideas for possible trackers I'd like to do in the future
  • "I am" pages - where I include words and phrases I feel uniquely define me
  • "My style" page - style inspo pictures. Provides me with inspiration to exercise as well.
  • Inspiring words pages - words and phrases that help uplift my spirit 
  • Quotes pages - quotes I admire from books that I have read
  • Dedicated TV series pages - for series that had a huge impact on me such as Game of Thrones. 

And many more. I'm always trawling the net for fresh ideas.

Clearly this kind of content goes way beyond the boundaries of a planner, so I just call it my creative journaling. As I stated before, you can incorporate words, pictures and decorations into all of these pages, so it's very much up to your imagination. I love the openness and freedom of this type of journaling - it appeals to my discursive mind.

Now, one of my favourite places to find amazing, cute and creative stationery lately is The prices are so reasonable and the variety is so fun.

A few of my favourite picks from there that I have used to spice up my creative journaling are listed below, along with my coupon code that will allow you to get extra discounts should you buy anything.  I have a blast browsing the stationery section of, and I know you will too!

Discount code: YESLADY22

Some of the videos that inspire me on YouTube are linked below. I hope you find inspiration and ideas to boost your planning/journaling endeavours to the next level. Most of all, remember to enjoy yourself every step of the way - whether organizing your days, collecting new stationery or expressing your creativity. We all deserve these soft, comforting moments that bring joy to our spirits. Take care!


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