It's in the bag! Bag trends this season.

It seems the popularity of handbags just keeps growing. Far from being a mundane affair, bags have evolved to become an exciting fashion accessory with considerations way beyond practicality driving their design. For example, many of the popular tote bags, I have noticed, do not even close fully at the top, leaving their contents somewhat exposed to the elements. Bags like the viral Coach Brooklyn Shoulder Bag and The Row Margaux bag do not even have a top zipper closure, which makes someone like me have nightmares of inevitably dropping them and having my personal contents spill everywhere. The trending bags right now are exciting and interesting items that you cannot help but want to at least try on. They have aspects that appeal to all types of people and are versatile enough to work with many looks. Most of all, they are fun! Some highlights of the trends in bags today are: 1. Leather please! - whether real, faux or even vegan, the look of leather is king right now. Whereas ca...