Quickie post - the Tragedy of Doctor Who, The Rings of Power, The Marvels, She Hulk...I don't need to go on do I?

Note: I know Doctor Who is the BBC not Hollywood but it suffers from the same show-killing problem.

It is not what Hollywood is trying to do that is out of step with audiences, it is how they are attempting to do it. Or enforce it as it appears. Everyone would agree that Hollywood needed to be more diverse; that the movies of the recent past were simply not inclusive of large populations of society. But Hollywood's version of diversity is not thoughtful, sincere or relatable. 

The subverting of beloved characters is something that makes me particularly mad. Because when you weaken male characters, and insert a "girl-boss to rule them all", it doesn't say promoting strong women to me. It says pandering to the most shallow definition of female strength, whilst ignoring real characteristics that are the true source of feminine power. So a 120 lb woman doesn't have to be able to kick down ten 250 lb musclemen in order to be defined as "strong". And that is about as deep as hollywod's representation of women goes. 

The same surface thinking is seen in the way racial diversity is approached - where the solution too often I feel is to replace white characters with non-whites. Sometimes this works - I will maintain that Hobbits and Elves are large enough races for me to envision some of them being black or brown. But I don't like when major characters are race swapped. To me, the race of the Little Mermaid, her Danish heriage, her red hair - these things were a part of her ethos. To blithely race swap her in my opinion was wrong. 

#shallowdiversity       #wokenotwise    #writefordiversity   #cutandpastediversitydoesn'twork


Coming soon ... My thoughts on "Who TF did I marry?"


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