Missing woman in the Bahamas - Find Taylor Casey!

 A 41 year old woman from the US named Taylor Casey, has gone missing in the Bahamas. She was on a solo vacation to an innocuous looking yoga resort named the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat. Taylor has been a yoga enthusiast for many years and so naturally she was excited to visit the center, telling her mom and friends that she was looking forward to learning new yoga techniques to teach to others. She went alone to a hugely popular vacation destination - the Bahamas - to a resort that was very high profile, having been endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand Goop. She called her mother regularly and sent pictures from her vacation. She was reportedly not a person to stay out of touch for very long, nor to take hasty actions that would isolate herself from those she loved. She should have been safe. But she's missing, and noone, not the resort, nor the Bahamian authorities, can say why. The information I received was mostly gleaned from the report by Brian Entin for NewsNation linked below:

The story is disturbing for many reasons. Lots of people, especially women, would find themselves relating to it in many ways. Her age, 40 plus, is the new age of freedom and exploration for many yet umarried women. The solo trip, a hugely popular undertaking by many nowadays but often more significant for women as it is so much of a riskier and weightier adventure for us. 

This woman could be any of us. And she was probably taking more precautions to remain in contact with her people than some of us would or could. She has folks waiting on her return, and she made sure to keep that line of connection to them open. She knew that despite all the positives about her holiday destination, she was by definition, as a solo female traveller, vulnerable. So why on God is she missing?

Statement made by the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - Bahamas :

I find it offensive that the resort called her mother in the USA after Taylor missed a full days worth of classes. I find it even suspicious. Do they immediately start scaring family members abroad every time they cannot locate the guest - after one day? Is that their protocol? It seems to me that there would be other measures to be taken first. Did they ask any of the other ladies who were supposedly in this tight knit group of yoga devotees, whether they knew her whereabouts? If so, when did they ask, since they made the obviously upsetting call to her mother after just one day. Why did they assume she could have been back in the States if there was a scheduled boat to leave the island?  Didn't they ask the boat operator whether she had taken the boat back? Because he said she did not, so how would she have got back to the states? It almost seems like they wanted to fast track the information to her mother - an almost panicked response if you know that something has happened to someone and you want to appear innocent yourself. And why hasn't there been more talk of CCTV footage? Surely such a remote resort would have the entire compound and beach surrounding it under surveillance for their guests' protection. What about security guards - does no one patrol the surroundings and the nearby beach? When did she actually go missing - was it at night? What about her cabin? Are her belongings still there and what clues can they give us?

And why did it take her young niece in the US to ping her phone and discover that it was under the sea, before they were able to retrieve it. Did no one in authority try to find it sooner? Why was the press conference the authorities gave so full of obfuscation - talking about all their drones and dogs - rather than information concerning the concrete facts they have discovered? And why were the other guests kept in the dark about Taylor's disappearance, when they are supposed to be bonding as spiritual family? So much so that some ladies have left, allegedly upset over being kept in the dark about the disappearance. But then, have all who were guests at the time been thoroughly questioned by the relevant authorities? And by the way, are there only ladies at this retreat? Are there men in, around or with access to the compound? Have they been interrogated?

For me there are too many questions left unanswered almost two weeks since she disappeared. And somebody (or bodies) knows the answers. Taylor represents all of us women who want to move around this world, following our dreams and feel safe. It sounds like she was being responsible about her own safety, so somebody somewhere dropped the ball. There needs to be an outcry when things like this happen and the persons involved appear to move to silkily try and cover things up. People must be held to account, and quickly. Find Taylor Casey. Stop being secretive Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - Bahamas, and find her!

#FindTaylorCasey @FindTaylorCasey  #yogafarm   @yogafarm  #bahamas  @bahamas  

Latest report:

Latest developments as Chicago woman mysteriously disappears while attending Bahamas yoga retreat

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