Self care when depression makes you random

Scattered. Discursive. Aimless. Rambling. Has depression ever refused to let your mind settle? Has it ever made you physically and/or emotionally hyperactive? Do you find it hard to rest, impossible to meditate? Will your thoughts just not leave you alone? Of course, you'll say. This is a common manifestation of depression experienced by most sufferers. Often it is hard to find something that holds your attention for very long. You may find yourself flitting from one task to another, unable to concentrate well or getting bored quickly. You get distracted easily. You forget things. It can be at the very least unproductive, and at the worst, a dangerous state to be in. Anhedonia. That is a word I learned for when you have lost interest in things that you used to love doing, mainly due to ongoing depression. It is one of the most shocking, unexpected side effects of depression I've experienced over the last ten years. For me, I never thought I would stop reading. It came ...